
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Things I ponder on a Sunday night

This is in no particular order:
  • I need to use the word bailiwick more often.
  • I need a vocal word-of-the-day calendar. Anyone who knows me knows I have difficulties pronouncing words unless I am in between 3-7 beers.  I need a calendar that speaks the word so I can learn.
  • Why isn't there a "Just for Women" hair dye? And the latest commercial is particularly disturbing as these 5-10 year old girls tell their daddy it's time to go out.  The implication is that if he dyes his hair he will get a new woman.  More disturbing is the commercial ends with him taking a pic with his cell of his date and sends it to his daughters.  Personally, I like a little gray in a gentleman's hair.  Hello, George Clooney.
  • What am I going to make for dinner this week? I realize some might think this is obsessive or premature thinking, but let me explain.  I usually do most of my weekly cooking over the weekend.  It gives me leftovers for lunch and dinner the rest of the week.  Last week I nailed it - beef stew and hamburger gravy.  This weekend...nada.  I made a bruschetta whole wheat pasta, which I just finished the last of.  Not too bad and will definitely make it again with some modifications. But it doesn't solve my problem of dinner for the week.
  • Oh, I have to develop a chili recipe for my office's chili cook-off on Friday.  Should be easy right?  Ha!  Pass along any suggestions.
  • I heart Craig Ferguson.  He makes me giggle and I just don't giggle enough.
  • I went to work today to make up for the next 3 days because I will be up in Bethesda attending an antibiotic resistance conference.  Now doesn't that sound like fun?
And with that I have to go.  I just ordered The Hurt Locker and I need to pay attention.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snowaplooza 2010

So the 4 other readers of this blog are likely wondering why does Betsy keep posting pictures of her parking lot at her apartment complex?  Well, snow in the DC area is perceived as the devil's work (most people still blame W, but I don't see the big O doing much as he is from Chicago) and the whole area comes to screaming halt.  Complete armageddon.  Sort of a bummer.  I needed to go to Target today but instead I have been housebound.  

But not this man.  H made it town and did a quick drop in at the White House.  Interesting, very interesting.

Regardless, you know that O is looking out the window and thinking this town if full of pussies as they can't handle the snow.  A real city, like Chicago, doesn't let 5-10 inches of snow stop them.  Nope, the stores stay open, people go to the bars and they don't empty the stores for the fear of no bread for 24 hours.  It also doesn't become a media event, but on the bright-side for O at least no one is talking about his unpassed healthcare bill.

Snowaplooza 2010

My apartment parking lot at 5:20 pm.

Snowaplooza 2010

My apartment parking lot at 11 am.

Caps big winners

So the Caps won and I was amazed how many people were actually at the game.  It was a sold-out game and the other fans were enthusaic, but I would say they were no Red Wing fans.  Enough said.

Enjoyed the whole evening.  My co-worker Scott and I left from the office and we headed to Chinatown for dinner.  I introduced Scott to Matchbox, which treated us very well...not too much of surprise.  Les, I didn't get them to make us any calamri, but I did think about it. 

Glad I had all my weekend fun last night because now I'm snowed in!

Go Caps!

Terri's "man-friend" Mark gave me 2 tickets to the Caps vs. Panthers hockey game last night.  Our seats ROCKED!  Thanks Mark!

Friday, January 29, 2010

The big 5-5 -0-0-0

Yep, my car rolled over to 55,000 miles on the odometer as I rolled into the parking lot under my office this morning.  The little silver bullet is a 2004, bought in November 2003. 

Doing the math, I have averaged 9166.66 miles a year.  That number is deceiving because in 2008, I put on close to 25,000 miles on it.  That is alot of trips back and forth from College Station to Navasota.

So taking out that 25K that means I have averaged 5,000 miles a year.  Now I live in DC and I am lucky if I put on more than 20 miles a week - that average is considerable thrown off if I head to Charlottesville for the weekend, but that is my cross to bear.

I love public transportation or the 45 minute to 3 hour walk (depending on the shopping, eating, and drinking I do in Georgetown) that I have from my office to my apartment. 

My car is going to be like a little old ladies car that is only driven to church.  Will keep everyone posted on when it turns the big 60K, I predict 2 years from now.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Talented friends I have

My friend Jen is an amazing gal - on so many levels.  She took some pictures of the sun rising from the back of her house or shome.

I love these pictures and are worthy of sharing to the 4 people that read this blog.  The top one is my favorite.

Tehehe - I think this Washington Post article really sums up my take on the name.

With a name like iPad, can Apple's new device possibly have wings?

Steve Jobs announced the iPad, the long-awaited tablet device from Apple.

Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 28, 2010 

After months of speculation over what Apple would call its latest sacred touch-screen device (iSlate? iTablet?), the company revealed Tuesday that it had opted to go with iPad.

Boyfriends everywhere promptly refuse to purchase it unless they could simultaneously buy some really manly products, like shaving cream and batteries.

Are You There God? It's Me, Steve Jobs.
Business Insider declared the name "terrible," with one columnist writing that he'd heard rumors of the name "but dismissed it immediately," thinking that Apple would have the foresight to predict a landslide of menstruation mockery. (Did they not see "MADtv's" iPad parody in 2007?)

Meanwhile, the blogosphere found the name debate totally absorbing -- "How will it stand up to other tablets if I pour a test tube full of blue water on it?" one Lemondrop blogger wondered -- and a heavy flow of iPad-related Twitter traffic led "iTampon" to become a top trending topic.

"Are there NO women in the Marketing or Biz Dev department of Mac?" wrote one user, speculating that "iPad" would pass muster only with a man. No women were present on Apple's panel at the San Francisco announcement.

Apple, for its part, heralded the iPad as "a magical and revolutionary device" on its Web site, and did not return a phone call for comment.

This is not the first time that a widely anticipated product launch was met with ridicule. Nintendo's Wii was referred to as "Wee" by disparaging gamers who could not get stoked about a console that sounded like a potty-training term. The Wii went on to break retail records, selling 600,000 units in its first eight days.

However, Apple has yet to address what women everywhere anticipate will obviously be the iPad's biggest problem: You can't use one while swimming.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

So my new obession

is Ryan Bingham.  Love the lyrics. Love the voice.  Need to bite the bullet and purchase the latest album.  This song is the theme song from the movie Crazy Heart - "The Weary Kind"  It is winning a whole lot of awards this movie season.  Enjoy!

New blog, new hope

So I have had a blog for now close to 5 year, albeit the last couple years the posts have been sporadic. My goal is a new look. A new site. A new promise and goal to blog more frequently.

Let's hope it works out.