So the 4 other readers of this blog are likely wondering why does Betsy keep posting pictures of her parking lot at her apartment complex? Well, snow in the DC area is perceived as the devil's work (most people still blame W, but I don't see the big O doing much as he is from Chicago) and the whole area comes to screaming halt. Complete armageddon. Sort of a bummer. I needed to go to Target today but instead I have been housebound.
But not this man. H made it town and did a quick drop in at the White House. Interesting, very interesting.
Regardless, you know that O is looking out the window and thinking this town if full of pussies as they can't handle the snow. A real city, like Chicago, doesn't let 5-10 inches of snow stop them. Nope, the stores stay open, people go to the bars and they don't empty the stores for the fear of no bread for 24 hours. It also doesn't become a media event, but on the bright-side for O at least no one is talking about his unpassed healthcare bill.
I know, I know...I never blog anymore. I've lost my blogging mojo, but
maybe I can get back in the swing of things now that Aidan has STARTED
11 years ago
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