
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Michigan's Governor, Jennifer Granholm, is a twit

I have tried to keep quiet about this, but honestly it is hard as a governor Jennifer Granholm is out of touch with who she represents.  Agriculture is the #2 industry and brings $76 billion to the state.  Yet, she continues to try to cut agriculture programs.  Don't believe me, ask all the 4-Hers and the extension people in the state.  They have been on the budget chopping block for the last 5 years.  And today, she kept her stellar agriculture record pure by declaring March 20, 2010 Michigan "Meat Out" day.  Sounds dirty doesn't it?  But here is what she says:
Michigan Meatout Day
Whereas, A wholesome diet of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains promotes good health and reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases, which take the lives of approximately 1.3 million Americans each year; and,
Whereas, The number of those who choose to live the lifestyle of a vegan or vegetarian has increased and so has the availability and selection of meat and dairy alternatives in mainstream grocery stores, restaurants, and catering operations; and,
Whereas, Reducing the consumption of meat or not eating meat at all can significantly decrease the exposure to infectious pathogens such as salmonella, E. coli, and campylobacter, which take the lives of several thousand Americans and sicken millions more each year; and,
Whereas, The benefits of a plant-based diet can consist of increased energy levels, lower food budget costs, and simplified food preparation and cleanup; and,
Whereas, It is encouraged that the residents of this state get into the habit of healthy living by consuming a diet that is rich with vegetables, fruit, and whole grains, and by staying active;
Now, Therefore, be it Resolved, That I, Jennifer M. Granholm, governor of the state of Michigan, do hereby proclaim March 20, 2010, Michigan Meatout Day in Michigan. In observance of this day, I encourage the residents of this state to choose not to eat meat.  Eating a healthy diet can be fun. Explore the different recipes that can be created by using fresh ingredients and by having a sense of adventure.

Talk about a crock of shit.  

Let's run the numbers.  Michigan's unemployment rate in January was 14.3% that means at least 693,200 michigandors are looking for jobs.  The Michigan meat industry provides over 130,000 jobs...she can't afford to lose much more. The industry brings in $777.1 million dollars in state does the State of Michigan not need the tax revune anymore?  And the $15.65 billion in economic activity the meat industry generated is no longer needed either? 

Don't even get me started on the thinnly veiled implication that meat consumption causes cancer, the inaccurate statements of plant-based diets, and the implication that fruits and vegetables don't cause foodborne illness. Granholm and her staff must only consume canned fruits and vegetables as it is a sterile product.   And lasts forever.

It's obvious the Granholm is ignorant.  It is obvious, so is her staff and advisors.  All are easily swayed by advocacy groups and not smart enough to get the rest of the story.  None of these are good traits for those that set public policy.

The state of Michigan and it's citizens deserve better.